“. . . the desire her whole person expressed was that of communicating to me what she was tasting: communicating with me through flavors, or communicating with flavors through a double set of taste buds, hers and mine. . . .”
Italo Calvino, "Under the Jaguar Sun."

The Indonesian Food Bazaar at St. James Parish House

It’s practically a crime to live in Queens for a whole year without going to the monthly Indonesian Food Bazaar at St. James Parish House in Elmhurst. But that’s what I did. I’m so glad I’ve now remedied this error.

offerings at the Indonesian Food Bazaar

We started by making several loops around the Bazaar to see what was on offer. Indonesian food, like Indonesia itself, is extremely diverse and varied. My partner wanted satay, though, so we scoped out a place that was grilling satay. The satay was served on top of steamed taro with a sticky yellow sauce, I think made from some sort of legume.


This same stall also had a variety of rices and rice accompaniments. We got some nasi uduk (coconut rice) with toppings of stewed jackfruit, tofu and beans, and beef rendang, a wonderful dry beef curry with coconut. All were excellent, but the rendang was a particular hit.

menu at one of the stalls

We ate our satay and nasi uduk on one of the pews along the side of the hall, where there was another stall selling sweets. We got several kinds of sweets, most of which had rice, coconut, and sugar in some form or another.

a sweet with a dipping sauce

We also got some jasmine tea just to try. Very tasty as well.


This was a place with not just wonderful food, but a welcoming and friendly atmosphere as well. People are very happy to explain their food to you and help you decide what to get. I will definitely be going again.

Indonesian Food Bazaar
St. James Parish House
8413 Broadway
Queens, NY 11373

The Indonesian Food Bazaar at St. James Parish House

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